Hunter’s Paradise – A bit of Lodge History

Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 received its charter at the Arizona Grand Lodge Communication of 2013. We gather on the 4th Monday of the month for our business meetings.  The lodge holds its meetings in the second floor lodge room of El Zaribah Shriners at 552 North 40th Street in Phoenix Arizona.

HP #85 Lodge PinThe men of the  lodge took the name for the lodge that in Arabic is  “El Zaribah”.  Many of us may have a mother lodge either here in Arizona or elsewhere around the country, but this lodge gives us an opportunity to be involved with the masonic fraternity.

With the fact that many of the chartering and transferring  in brothers are Shriners, we continue to have a strong link with El Zaribah Shriners, but  now that the lodge has grown to over 100 members, this is more just a historical point.   For the brothers of Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85,  the spirit and brotherhood is more centered on our masonic brothers, enjoying the experience of sitting in lodge with each other and bringing good men into the masonic fraternity.  The Masonic friendship  lives in this lodge and lasts a lifetime..

Hunter Paradise Lodge #85′s – Upcoming Activities

Upcoming Planned Activities

  • September 4th – Zoom Officer Meeting 6:30pm
  • September 9th – first degree practice 6:30pm
  • September 16th –  First degree for Samuel 6:30pm
  • September 23rd – Stated Meeting 7pm (Dinner at 5:30 pm)
  • September 28th  – El Zaribah Fall ceremonial breakfast
                                (We need just 8 Volunteers for this fundraiser)
  • September 30th  – out of lodge education 6:30pm

    (The Master will update via email) 

2024 Monthly Meeting Plan

1st Monday – Officers meeting

2nd Monday – Ritual practice meeting

3rd Monday – Degree special meeting,
if no degree, then the Master will advise.

4th Monday – Stated meeting

5th Monday (if it exists) – no meetings

Some Basic Information for Non-masons

Hunter's Paradise Educational Outreach Program

Our Raffle that will be drawn in December 2024

To buy Raffle Tickets, please click the button below